Detick Super Clean

RM 13.00

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Removal of ticks, fleas and scabies parasite worm heart (Flea Treatment) for Dogs and Cats.

1cc: 1-10kg (Small Size Dog’s dosage)

2cc: 10-20kg (Big Size Dog’s dosage)


1. Drug-based pesticide

2. Use to kill mites, fleas, lice & the eggs

3. Easy to use

4. Effective up to 4 weeks (1month)

5. Suitable for dogs, help strays on the street get rid of ticks

Procedures: 1. Open the cap and cut the silver part of the opener. 2. Drips/Tips behind the neck of your pet after seperate the fur, make sure the droplets touches the skin. 3. Massage the dog’s skin area which apply the alprocide. 4. Isolate pet from other pets for about 4-6 hours to avoid other dogs licking action. 5. Recommended to bath the pet with flea & tick shampoo to remove all dead larva after 5-7 days. 6. Repeat step 2 – step 5 if you find the flea problem still exist. Prevention is better than treatment. Use the Detick Alprocide monthly to avoid flea & tick on your cats & dogs. If your cat or dog have thicker fur, you are advised to use slightly higher dose of detick treatment in order to keep the flea & tick away. P/s chat with us, if you have any enquiry about this product.

P/s finish the liquid after open, otherwise it will be evaporate.

P/s Its poisonous to human and animal upon consumption, please be-careful and do necessary prevention. Specifications: Made in Thailand